Vital building & pest inspections take advantage of the questionnaire that was presented to us a few days ago for a well-known real estate website on the building inspection and Vital building & pest inspections also answer in the blog!
How is building inspection different from the IEE?
The building inspection, mandatory by law. The IEE Building Assessment Report includes, in addition to the specific content of a building inspection, specific issues on accessibility and energy efficiency of the building.
Since when does the building inspection exist? If an IEE is done, it is not necessary to do the inspection?
The new IEE report is in the process of being implemented, so not in all municipalities it is accepted as a substitute for the inspection.
What does the building inspection consist of? What elements does the inspector that carries out the building inspection have to monitor?
The sections controlled by the inspection vary according to regional and municipal regulations. In, the following sections should be revised:
- State of the structure and foundation.
- State of the facades.
- State of the roofs and roofs.
- State of the plumbing and sanitation network.
- Status of accessibility elements.
For what reasons can an unfavorable building inspection report be given?
A building inspection is unfavorable in that one of the previous sections does not meet the safety and health conditions required by the ordinance (with the exception of the accessibility elements section).
What steps must the community of owners follow when an unfavorable or negative inspection report is given?
The steps are basically the following: first we must wait for the execution order dictated by the City Council (this document is equivalent to the works license) and once we have received the work to correct deficiencies of inspection. Depending on whether the works have needed a technical project or not, the file is closed with a final certificate of work or a certificate of suitability.
Is there a period of time to correct the errors? Which one?
The term to correct the deficiencies is estimated by the technicians and is defined by the City Council, usually two or three months.
Are there public grants for carrying out the works aimed at correcting the errors detected in the building inspection?
There are no specific grants for works derived from an unfavorable inspection. Other aids, such as those of the PAREER Plan or the MAD-RE Plan, may be applicable if, in addition to the repairs strictly derived from the inspection, other actions are carried out (such as improvements in the building’s energy efficiency).

How much does a building inspection cost? Is the price that can be charged for this building inspection regulated?
Prices have been liberalized for years. Some technicians are guided by the Guidance Scales of the Official College of Architects of but the price is free.
Our only recommendation in this regard is to avoid budgets that do not take into account the characteristics of the building and are too low. An inspection is a technical work that requires time and experience.
Most of these issues coincide with those that you do almost all of us contact, so Vital building & pest inspections hope you will help them to know a little more about the building inspection of your buildings!