All about the Building inspection, keys that you need to know as well as what the Building inspection regulations are. If you are in a buying and selling process or if your neighbors have told you about it, you may have reached the time when you have to pass the Building inspection.
But … what is Building inspection?
Quiet, once again building inspections newcastle give you the keys to make it clear to you what is the Technical Inspection of Buildings, as well as what is the regulation of the Technical Inspection of Buildings.
So that you can understand it easily and simply, the Building inspection is an inspection that all buildings that have a certain age have to pass to control that the building meets all the safety requirements.
– Only buildings that are half a century old are those that are required to pass the Building inspection. However, this inspection requires the services of a professional and it is necessary to take your time to choose the best candidate, because it will depend on the inspection having a certain quality and validity.
– There are certain buildings that are not required to pass it :
- If they have initiated a file of declaration of ruin.
- If comprehensive rehabilitation have been carried out and have an occupancy license , the term of 45 years begins when the rehabilitation works that are included in the final certificate of work and habitability have been completed.
- If it is a single-family building with valid habitability card .
– If you do not pass this Building inspection you can be fined up to 6,000 euros . The penalty will depend on each municipality. But not only because of the fine, but you may have problems such as refusing your mortgage or selling your home.

We are going with a round of quick questions and answers that can get you out of trouble
– How to know how old my building is? The simplest is to look at it in the Cadastre.
– Can Building inspection be carried out in buildings only with visual inspection? This option would only be valid if it is sufficient to comply with all that is required by article 19 of the Ordinance of Conservation, Rehabilitation and Ruinous State of Buildings.
Do I have to pay something to pass the Building inspection? No . You would only have to pay some fees in the case where you did not approve the inspection and also after starting the execution order procedures.
We do not advise you not to pass the inspection, because although no officer makes revisions to fine, in the event of an accident, you could have a serious penalty throughout the community.
For 2019, which buildings are the ones that have to pass the Building inspection:
- All buildings that have been constructed or restructured in 1988.
- The buildings constructed between 1975 and 1978.
The rest of Building inspection will be carried out every 10 years regardless of the presentation of previous inspections. Well, now that it has become clearer what building inspection is, let’s go deeper.
Building inspection report
The Building inspection report is a document prepared by the technician who has performed the inspection and collects all the information that has been indicated throughout the inspection.
In that document you will find general characteristics of the building, its state of conservation is described and also the possible deficiencies (whether of construction, functional or apparent) that may affect the building are recorded.
Which technician is best suited to iterate in buildings? Probably the best option is an architect, rigger, building engineer …
What do I do once the technician has done the ite in my building and I have not overcome it?
If the Building inspection report has not been approved because deficiencies have been found, you should go to the District that issued the Execution Order for your building and ask what documents you need to prove that you are correcting the damage.
After the inspection in buildings, the Certificate of Suitability signed by the technician responsible for its execution will be presented afterwards .
Once these agencies have verified that all the damages predicted by your inspection report have been repaired, the inspection department will be notified to update the information on the municipal website of the town hall in which your building is registered.
Unfortunately it is not like the grades of the university in which if you pass you get a five and there is no evidence that you suspended … but will remain as “Unfavorable and with corrected deficiencies.”
Unfortunately it is not like the grades of the university in which if you pass you get a five and there is no evidence that you suspended … but will remain as “Unfavorable and with corrected deficiencies.”

Regulations of the Building inspection
Although we have been announcing to you, we are going to list everything you need to know about Building inspection:
- The Building inspection must collect information on the safety, accessibility, health described of the Regulations of the inspection.
- If the building inspection has been favorable, the existence of other documents that say there is damage to the building will not be accepted.
- All Building inspection records must contain information on the thermal behavior of the building.
- The buildings that are obliged to pass the inspection, will present two copies of the Building inspection minutes if it is unfavorable and one if it is favorable, within the year following the 30th anniversary of the real estate subject to the building.