Surely you’ve already motorbike spares seen them online, on the street or know someone who has them. They are the hover karts for electric scooters. A new evolution in the world of electric skates that is already assuming a revolution.
These products are easily adaptable to a so-called smart scooter or Big Brother scooter . They are perfectly compatible with models of wheels between 6´5 ″ and 10 ″ inches.
The hover kart transform your car into a fun balance scooter electric kart with only a small assembly. In just two minutes you can put the two straps that connect it to the scooter and enjoy its easy driving.

This gadget allows motorbike spares the user to easily accelerate, turn and brake their hover board , thanks to its two manual control levers. Its use is very simple, you just have to turn on the unicycle or Big Brother scooter and place the mount or hover kart on it . This model can be driven by children, adolescents and adults.
We will use the driving levers as draw bars, as a steering wheel. Moving the lever downwards we will advance forward or turn in one direction. If we move the lever upwards we will decrease the speed, until the moment of its complete braking. Or we will go into reverse if we continue to apply pressure by pulling the bars towards us.
How does the motorbike spares hover kart work ?
The movement of these vehicles motorbike spares is based on the same principle as a hover board. These models work by sensors that send information to the gyroscope plates below them. The only novelty is that instead of pressing the sensors with your foot, it will be done with the pressure exerted by your driving bars on the sensors of the skate.
Once seated in the hover seat, we will rest our feet on the bars located on the wheel welded to the chassis. The power supplied by the electric motors of a hover board is enough to drive this unique model.

At Motorcycles we have two types of seat for big brother scooters. The normal model with a poly carbonate seat and the comfort model with a padded seat.
The performance of the hover Kart motorbike spares will depend largely on the unicycle we use as a base. This accessory is usually purchased separately, does not include the hover board.
And you, do you dare to drive a hover kart ? Visit our store and discover the different models we have at Motorcycles.