Before you want to invest and buy this beautiful precious stone that is called Pink diamond, you have to know these four elements that determine the value of a pink diamond, the carat (the weight), the cut (size) color (color) and clarity (purity). These four criteria define the “quality” of the diamond and are written on the diamond’s certificate of purchase.
Pink Diamond: a luxury stone
The word “diamond” is always associated with the word “luxury”, “overpriced” and “source of lust”. The diamond comes from a volcanic rock called “Kimherlite”. The first diamond was discovered more than 3000 years ago. Its value has steadily increased. A two carat pink diamond will always be more expensive than a one carat diamond.The biggest pink diamond is the pink panther which was carved by a New York lapidary. With a production of 110 million carats a year, only three quarters of the production reaches the qualities necessary for use in jewelery.

The price of pink diamond
The gram of the diamond costs around 4000. € for a standard stone of 2.5 carats. The diamond is a very rare stone and begins to dry up. Indeed, researchers estimate that by 2030, the four major diamond-producing countries namely South Africa, Australia, Russia and Botswana will have exhausted their reserves.
The purity of the pink diamond
It is the natural crystallization that determines the purity of the diamond. It appears during the treatment of the diamond. Each diamond is unique because each diamond has its own crystallization. The purity of this gemstone is determined by the nature of the inclusions, their dimensions, their proportion, and their number.
Size of pink diamond
Unlike the color and purity of the pink diamond that characterize its nature, the size of the stone will be defined by the expertise of the diamond. The more symmetrical the facets, the better the stone is. Polishing must be perfect to enhance the value of the stone. The size must be proportional and the dot stone reflect the light perfectly. The size of the diamond should reflect its brilliance and brilliance.
The most common shapes are the round ones, but some jewel designers require other forms such as pear, shuttle like the marquise diamond , square like the princess pink diamond , oval, octagonal, radiant or even heart-shaped.
The carat of the pink diamond
The carat determines the weight of the pink diamond . One carat is equivalent to 0.02 grams. We can not separate the weight and size of the stone.
However, there is no well-defined rule that determines the value of the diamond . Indeed, there is no proportional formula between weight and size and between carat and price. In other words, 1 carat of diamond is not larger than a diamond of 0.5 carat, and the price of one carat of diamond does not correspond to the value of two diamonds of 0.5 carats.
What there is to know
Before buying a pink diamond, it is important to check its characteristics. The price varies according to these characteristics even if the stones have the same weight, the same color and a similar purity. The quality certificate must always be required at the time of purchase.
The choice of the stone must be made according to its use: for a necklace, for a ring, a necklace or a bracelet. If you have chosen, for example, a yellow gold set, it is important to check if the set does not change the color of the diamond .
If you prefer for example claws, check their number to properly contain the diamond. A ring that only has three or four claws is very fragile, the ideal is to opt for 6 claws. No more claws could spoil the beauty of the pink diamond .